Friday, 13 March 2009


I have had a bit of spare time this afternoon, and I burned slightly more than two hours on a three-minute podcast about the Web 2.0 course. Here is the final result:

This involved recording some course participants with a digital recorder during the session (in a noisy computer room), collecting some more recordings for those which had been missed, adding a framing narrative (prepared with a quick storyboard), finding some music clips, and putting all that together in Audacity. Then some quick images needed preparing, and the whole thing was thrown at iMovie, and then exported.

Not bad for a first attempt, I would guess, but still with lots of room for improvement. Still looks a bit amateurish to me. But I didn't really want to spend another couple of hours on it. Though I will have to for podcasts that are meant to be teaching materials!


  1. Utterly marvelous, a wonderful creation - really well done (and thank you)!

  2. My office computer doesn't have speakers, so I'm in the frustrating position of being able to SEE the podcast but not hear it. This is deeply frustrating (and has left me very curious about Dave's starring role in events!).

    I will either have to listen at home or stir myself to ask for speakers ...

  3. As the others have said, this is brilliant stuff (and much better with speakers!).
